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Tawni @ The Book Worms

I am the book blogger and reviewer at THE BOOK WORMS. I've been reading ever since I remember, but it was most recently that I discovered my real love for stories. I'm a book nerd and computer geek :)

Dark Eyes

Dark Eyes - William Richter Originally posted at The Book Worms. http://thebookworms.org/2012/03/review-dark-eyes-by-william-richter/ I wasn't really sure what to expect when I first picked up Dark Eyes. I surely didn't expect to feel like I was hit by a train, multiple times. This book really goes up and down on the emotional meter and a major twist that I couldn't even get a hold of. Wally is on a mission to find out everything she can about her birth mother and locate her after discovering a letter left behind. She always seems to find her way into danger and as her crew digs up new clues about where her mother might be, they are thrown into fatal confrontations. Wally is an edgy, dangerous, don't-ask-for-help kind of girl. I found her quite likeable and I was really rooting for her! She's got a soft side that allows the reader to connect with her a bit more. Her "crew" relies on her for her street smarts. I really enjoyed the presence of the other three teens, but I wish there was a bit more to their friendships. They added minimal dimension to the story, and I don't think Richter succeeded in giving readers and opportunity to connect with them. As for the other characters, we get a clear insight as to what they are like. Klesko...what a jerk. I kind of wanted to jump into the story and have a shoot-em-up with this guy! The action in this book was really excellent. It was fast-paced and will keep you on your toes. There was never a slow moment, always go-go-go! I was extremely surprised by the last pages that I was left saddened by the events, but excited at the same time. Overall, Dark Eyes was a good read. I was left disappointed by a couple of things regarding a few of the characters. It seems as if there is a possibility of more to come...But, who knows! If you like action this is definitely the book for you! For those who like: Action, realistic city/street life, young vigilantes Source: Publisher (ARC)