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Tawni @ The Book Worms

I am the book blogger and reviewer at THE BOOK WORMS. I've been reading ever since I remember, but it was most recently that I discovered my real love for stories. I'm a book nerd and computer geek :)

The Fallen 1: The Fallen and Leviathan

The Fallen and Leviathan - Thomas E. Sniegoski I could not, for the life of me get into this book. I had started reading this back in June and I thought I would take a break from it and come back…same story.

It had the awesome storyline the hot guy cover ;) , but it was honestly just dull. The writing was standard, not terrible and the story seemed like it would be good. Just not my cup of tea I suppose.

I’m not going to give this book a rating, not because it was awful (which I didn’t think), just because I didn’t finish it.
