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Tawni @ The Book Worms

I am the book blogger and reviewer at THE BOOK WORMS. I've been reading ever since I remember, but it was most recently that I discovered my real love for stories. I'm a book nerd and computer geek :)


Hereafter  - Tara Hudson Ok so here's the deal...Hereafter was full of AWESOME. Once I picked it up, I loved the writing so much that I just didn't want to stop. I loved the way Tara Hudson explains in detail Amelia's nightmares, surroundings, and feelings. It did help that I am interested in ghost stories, but even if you didn't have a prior interest in them, it doesn't spoil this book at all.

Amelia was so lively...for a ghost. I absolutely loved her and loved reading from her perspective. Amelia is lost in the afterlife, not really sure why she has to stay by the river in which she drowned. But when she helps Joshua her whole after-"life" changes and he can see her. But Joshua is different and possibly dangerous for Amelia to be around and Amelia needs to figure out what happened to her and if she's going to be in the in-between forever.

I love mysteries and I was completely absorbed by this one. I felt as though I was part of Amelia's world and with all the clues rolling around, I just couldn't put my finger on the answer. Multiple times I thought I figured it out, but it was just another twist in the story.

Hereafter intertwines a love story with the very realistic ghost and spirit world. My favorite part was that it wasn't about love/lust at first sight, it was about learning about someone and gradually growing a relationship. Amelia and Joshua did have an initial connection, but I really enjoyed that it was a process of emotions and feelings for them. Not just BAM I LOVE YOU! You get my drift. ;)

Hereafter is a perfect, amazing and beautiful story! I feel like picking it up and reading it again. A fresh take and unique story line. I hope you all get a chance to read it. I am buying my copy as soon as I can!!