Dark Mirror was such a refreshing read. I loved the clear writing and the story line was unique and interesting, although there were a couple flaws for me, I still really enjoyed it!
I LOVE history, so when I realized this is going to be filled with historical events I got so excited! Lady Victoria Mansfield, or Tory, lives in 1803 England around the time Napoleon Bonaparte planned to invade England. Tory’s main concern though is to marry a wealthy man with a strong title, until she discovers she’s a mage!
When an accident happens at a gathering, she makes the choice to use her powers, visible or not, to fix the situation. When others find out what she is they are appalled and Tory is no longer eligible for a husband of a high status. She’s sent off to a reform school to learn how to suppress her powers and possibly come back ‘well’.
While at Lackland Abbey, the reform school, Tory discovers that its much harder to suppress her powers when there are so many things she could do! Soon she finds herself wanting to use her power more and more and gets plunged into a situation that hardly anyone could believe.
Tory is strong-willed, but I’m not sure she believed it herself, especially in the beginning. I enjoyed how Tory wasn’t afraid to explore her powers and talent, despite the consequences.
M.J. Putney really took the time to develop all of her characters. I felt like I knew each one so well and I wasn’t asking myself questions about them or easily forgetting certain details. The only negative thing about this is that it was a really slow start. It took me a while to throw myself into the book.
The romance was so perfect in this book. Its just the slightest hint and tease that I can’t wait for more in the next book! I would have like to seen a bit more and maybe even earlier in the book, but I can’t complain too much, because what romance there was was sweet! ;)